Research Associate
Aicha Cooper is a Research Associate at The Khana Group and a development practitioner with experience working in international development to promote gender equality, youth empowerment and social justice by means of strategic partnerships and interventions at local and international levels. She provided research support to the USAID Toolkit for Monitoring and Evaluating Gender-Based Violence Interventions along the Relief to Development Continuum publication. She has worked with a wide range of organizations including The Advocates on the Liberian Truth and Reconciliation Commission hearings, the Liberian Women’s Initiatives of Minnesota, the Royal D. Alworth Institute and others on issues related to women’s right and gender equality, conflict and war, HIV/AIDS Awareness and Prevention and Youth Empowerment. She is instrumental in leading the implementation of outreach initiatives that deliver cutting edge ideas and innovative ways of working with a wide variety of partners and participants across the globe. She holds a degree in International Studies from the University of Minnesota Duluth and a Masters of Arts degree in Sustainable Development and International Policy from World Learning’s School for International Training.