TKG leads UNICEF out of School Children Situation (OoSC) analysisin Liberia
The Khana Group is excited to be supporting UNICEF and the Liberia Ministry of Education to conduct a national study on the Situation Analysis of Out of School Children in Liberia (OoSC). TKG has explored mixed methodologies such as a desk review, quantitative and qualitative processes including Focus Group Discussions (FGDs) and Key Informant Interviews (KII) across all 15 counties of Liberia.
The study surveyed and interviewed children, both in and out-of-school, between the ages of 5 and 17 as well as country head officers, district head officers and youth organizations. A total of over 800 households, 15 FGDs and 162 KIIs were surveyed across the 15 counties of Liberia.
With the adage, “education is the key to success” in mind, TKG is fiercely behind UNICEF to achieve excellent results that will make a real impact in the lives of out of school children in Liberia.