The Khana Group Managing Partner to Speak at Yale Undergraduate Association for African Peace and Development 3rd annual African Youth Empowerment Conference
The Khana Group Managing Partner, Taa Wongbe, will be speaking at the Yale Undergraduate Association for African Peace and Development third annual African Youth Empowerment Conference, Sankofa54. The conference will focus on youth empowerment.
Sankofa54 2014 will explore strategies for us to overcome the dilemmas of divisions and look at how we as individuals, as communities and as nations, can work together to forge partnerships that foster success across the continent and promote peace. We will examine how the social landscape of the nation-state is shifting through changes in population and infrastructure; at the ways in which Africa can invest in Africa; at mechanisms to forge connections across boundaries; at how our leadership influences the trajectory of growth and at how our health challenges require a global, holistic outlook to provide solutions. We will move beyond dissension and conflict in order to renew our commitment to peace, to development and, most importantly, to unity.