Technical Advisor
Nicholai Lidow is a Technical Advisor at The Khana Group, supporting various forms of research and evaluation projects.
Nicholai is a survey development specialist with over 10 years of experience and substantive experience conducting large scale surveys in West Africa and several years’ experience working on Liberia surveys including the implementation of five large-scale surveys namely a Small Arms Survey, 2009 with 2600 households; International Rescue Committee and Stanford University, 2008 where he designed sampling procedures for a large-scale evaluation of a community-driven reconstruction project in Lofa County, targeting 2,300 households; Stanford University, 2007: Designed procedures to re-locate 1,600 households in Lofa County for follow-up survey; Liberia Youth Service Mapping and Profiling Study which surveyed over 1000 participants; piloted experimental methods with 200 households in Bong County; and International Rescue Committee, 2006, where he worked with the IRC team to implement a survey of 2,400 households in Liberia and Sierra Leone on child labor and education. He has also worked in the DRC, Rwanda, Somalia and Ghana.
Mr. Lidow is well versed in the various stages of survey development and implementation and is very knowledgeable about the cultural, social, economic and political aspects of Liberia. He has advanced training in statistics, spatial analysis, GIS, and remote sensing. Mr. Lidow has a PhD in Political Science from Stanford University and is a Post-Doctoral Scholar of the Institute on Global Conflict and Cooperation.