Derrick is a Research Associate in The Khana Group’s Ghana office. He provides research, business development and administrative support to the Ghana Team and the Global Team as well.
He worked as an Administrative Assistant in the District Planning and Coordinating Unit of the BosomeFreho District Assembly. There, he was involved in reviewing old district plans to find gaps that were later incorporated in new plans. He was also actively involved in the monitoring and evaluation of district projects. Prior to becoming a Research Associate, He worked as an enumerator for the DFID’s Ghana Business Enabling Environment Project (BEEP).
Derrick has a bachelor’s degree in Development Planning from the Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, Kumasi-Ghana. He has gained in-depth experience in data collection and analysis as well as strategic planning. His research interest lies in the fields of Poverty Reduction, Local Economic Development and Youth Development.