TKG Conducts FinalEvaluation for USDA ActionstoReduceChildLabor (ARCH) Project
In Liberia, like many other developing countries, some children are exploited and coerced to work under terrible conditions. Areas where children provide services include working on rubber plantations, mining of natural resources and being used as domestic servants or head porters.
To tackle child labour, specifically on rubber plantations in Liberia, WINROCK International implemented the Actions to Reduce Child Labor (ARCH) project to prevent and withdraw children between the ages of 5 and 17 from child labor and its worst forms in the rubber-growing sector. The four year long project targeted children and heads of households using different interventions such as education services, livelihood services, social protection and youth employment services to curb child labour in four districts in Montserrado, Margibi and Nimba Counties.
WINROCK contracted The Khana Group to conduct the end-line evaluation of the ARCH project. The evaluation aims to assess the relevance, efficiency, effectiveness, impact and sustainability of the intervention.